Category Archives: Videos

Atari ST A to Z: Operation Thunderbolt

It wasn’t unusual to see lightgun shooters adapted to the 16-bit computers of the late ’80s and early ’90s. However, you didn’t tend to see a lot in the way of lightgun peripherals.

You did, however, see a lot of these games making use of mouse control to simulate aiming a gun. Some of these made use of a clear, obvious mouse cursor, allowing for precise aiming, albeit at the expense of a certain feeling of “authenticity”. Meanwhile, some, like Ocean’s solid adaptation of Taito’s Operation Thunderbolt, provided the interesting twist of making where you were aiming invisible until you fired — much like a “real” lightgun would behave.

While the ST struggles to provide a completely authentic arcade experience — particularly in the sound department, as always — Operation Thunderbolt is actually a pretty solid port, and its unusual aiming mechanics make it surprisingly satisfying and addictive to play, even today.

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Warriors Wednesday: The Mail Must Get Through – Warriors Orochi #20

Warriors Orochi is definitely getting easier the further I go through it.

Today’s mission is done and dusted in under 20 minutes — including the obligatory “upgrade and fusion” time before we actually get into the hackin’ and a-slashin’. This is keeping things fun and interesting, however; the sense of “power creep” is very satisfying indeed, and I’m looking forward to seeing how powerful my warriors are by the time I get to the final story campaigns!

For now, hit the jump to see how remarkably smoothly today’s rescue mission went.

Continue reading Warriors Wednesday: The Mail Must Get Through – Warriors Orochi #20

Atari A to Z: Track & Field

“Multi-discipline athletics” is a subgenre of sports gaming that seems to have mostly fallen by the wayside in recent years.

In the ’80s, however, it was all the rage — and games such as Konami’s Track & Field proved to be the bane of many a joystick throughout the decade.

This Atari 8-bit port of the arcade classic is a surprisingly solid adaptation, wonky scrolling and inadvertent hairpieces aside. If you’ve had a hankering for a wagglin’, well, you can do far worse than this!

Follow Atari A to Z on its own dedicated site here!

Sunday Driving: It Keeps Happening – OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast #5

Oh, Flagman. Why do you taunt me so? Why does beating Clarissa in a straight-up race through the easiest courses in the game seem to be such a challenge?

Who knows. And apparently after today’s experimentation, it is not the car that is to blame — though it may well be my driving. It seems that flipping over your extremely expensive sports car on the final corners of the race may well cost you a few valuable seconds as well as a few thousand dollars.

Hit the jump to see today’s efforts…

Continue reading Sunday Driving: It Keeps Happening – OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast #5

New Game Plus: Between the Kimonos – Project Zero #8

Miku Hinasaki’s excellent adventure continues as we crawl through Chapter 2 of Project Zero in an attempt to fill out our Ghost List further.

The ghosts we have to capture this time around are some of the trickiest in the game, but if you believe in yourself, you can do anything, anything!

Eventually, anyway. Hit the jump to see how this latest misadventure went.

Continue reading New Game Plus: Between the Kimonos – Project Zero #8

Atari ST A to Z: Ninja Mission

You may recall a little while back that we saw the Atari 8-bit version of Mastertronic’s Ninja. Well, here’s the ST version!

It’s basically the same game at its core, though it runs a little faster and has much nicer graphics. It also has a new theme tune that plays in between fights. It’s a great example of the additional power the ST brings to the table over and above its 8-bit predecessors, even if it’s not the best or most imaginative game out there.

For the unfamiliar, Ninja is an interesting combination of action adventure, beat ’em up and fighting game. You must work your way through a series of screens, beating up anyone in your way in a series of one-on-one fights, and ultimately prove your worth as a ninja master. All in a day’s work, right?

Warriors Wednesday: When You Get Around Like I Do, You Pick Up a Thing or Two – Warriors Orochi #19

Sakon Shima has been something of a fixture in the Samurai Warriors series since the second installment.

Typically depicted as a cunning strategist and a powerful warrior in his own right, the real Sakon Shima was an extremely well-regarded and famous samurai. After his original master Junkei Tsutsui met his end, he retired, but after being offered an extraordinarily generous amount of wealth, he decided to return to the fray to serve under Mitsunari Ishida. If someone offers you half of their income to bring you on board, you don’t argue!

Of course, most of this is irrelevant in Warriors Orochi, but Shima still has a significant role to play from the perspective of his formidable strategic skills. Hit the jump to see how he helped out this time around!

Continue reading Warriors Wednesday: When You Get Around Like I Do, You Pick Up a Thing or Two – Warriors Orochi #19

Atari A to Z: Shooting Arcade

Merry Christmas! And what better way to celebrate the festive season than with some fairground-style shooting action?

DataSoft’s Shooting Arcade from 1982 is not an especially complex game, but it has an enjoyably addictive quality to it, brought about through increasingly challenging mechanics and an emphasis on accuracy rather than fast action.

If you need a bit of time away from the family this Christmas, you could do far worse than blast away at a few pink elephants…

Sunday Driving: Timeless Classics of Video Game Music

OutRun has endured in popularity for so long for a number of reasons.

First and arguably foremost is its sheer “pick up and play” nature. It’s simple to understand, easy to get into and tricky to master — exactly what you want from an arcade game — and this overall feel has continued into its later console incarnations.

Secondly is its soundtrack. Classics like Magical Sound Shower and Splash Wave sound just as good today as they did back when the first OutRun game hit arcades — and Sega very much understands this has always been part of the appeal!

Continue reading Sunday Driving: Timeless Classics of Video Game Music

Atari ST A to Z: Missile Command

Here on Zardon, we are peaceful, we don’t like to fight. Here on Zardon, we work hard, and try to do what’s right. We would never be the first ones to stage an attack. But when someone shoots at us… we shoot back!

Kudos (and condolences) to you if that means anything to you; it’s from the official vinyl adaptation of Atari’s Missile Command by Kid Stuff in the ’80s — which someone has graciously uploaded to YouTube in its entirety here.

We’re here to take a look at the Atari ST version of Missile Command from 1987, however. This is a port I didn’t know existed until recently, but given Atari also published solid ST ports of Moon Patrol, Asteroids Deluxe and Crystal Castles, it’s not surprising. Is it any good, though…?

Follow Atari A to Z on its own dedicated site here!