Category Archives: Community

Articles based on community feedback, or to promote discussion among the community.

10 Ways to Enjoy Video Games More as a 21st Century Grown-Ass Adult

The year is 20XX. You are a grown-ass adult who has always enjoyed video games.

But just recently you’ve caught yourself being a little dissatisfied with your experiences engaging with your favourite hobby. You can’t quite put your finger on exactly what it is, but you frequently find yourself getting irritable and restless, often coupled with an irrational desire to hurl abuse at random strangers online.

To the rescue, here I am, with a 10-step plan to enjoy video games more as a 21st century grown-ass adult. Results not guaranteed. Your mileage may vary. Subject to status. Some chafing may occur.

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Around the Network

Hello everyone! I hope you’re doing well.

The wife and I have been having a troublesome few months. Our hob went, our roof leaked, our cats had fleas and yesterday our washing machine broke. Thankfully all but the latter of these have now been resolved (at varying levels of expense) but as I type this, the wife is in search of a suitable replacement washing machine to go in our awkwardly shaped gap.

But you don’t need to know all that, really. You’re here to find out what you might have missed in the last week or so, right? Read on, then…

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Around the Network

Hello everyone! I hope you’ve had a good weekend. Mine has been pretty quiet and dull.

I’ve been a bit bummed out by some rather negative happenings in the retro gaming community recently; thankfully none of them have involved me, but they do involve a creator I like very much and support on Patreon. You can read more about that elsewhere, though — I might even pen something about it myself next week depending on how things go.

It’s at times like this that a bit of enthusiasm and positivity goes a long way, though, so let’s take a look at some of the things you might have missed this week.

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Your Favourite Overlooked and Underappreciated Games

Yesterday, I found myself a bit frustrated by yet another example of Twitter’s never-ending focus on negativity and cynicism. In other words, it was a Thursday.

The tweet that frustrated me a bit probably didn’t have any ill intentions behind it, but its question to the community of what games you “hate but are highly praised by the general audience” almost inevitably became, to the community, an excuse to bash on predictable, popular things. So I decided to flip things around and post a tweet of my own with a more positive angle.

“What’s a game you love that is not well-regarded by the general audience and/or Metacritic?” I asked. Let’s see what people said.

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“Anime Avatar” is Not an Argument

Bit of a personal one today, but I think it’s worth saying.

Calling someone an “anime avatar” is not an argument. Referring to “the anime avatars in my mentions” does not automatically cause your ill-advised social media post to suddenly become correct. Attempting to make the term “anime avatar” a slur does not make you look progressive, woke or smart.

If you judge someone by anything other than their behaviour and conduct, you are bigoted by the very strictest definition of the word. Let’s ponder this in a bit more detail.

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Around the Network

Hello everyone! Hope you’re well. I’m not. I’ve been trying to shake a cold off for what feels like about a month now, and it’s not going away. Hello autumn, I guess.

Still, that hasn’t stopped me from putting a bunch of stuff out for you to enjoy! Next week we’ll be kicking off a brand new Cover Game feature for your enjoyment, so please look forward to that — and in the meantime there’s plenty of other stuff to check out.

So without further ado let’s see what you might have missed in the last week!

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Around the Network

Hello everyone! It’s the end of another week, so time for another one of them thar roundup type posts.

I’ve been ill this week, but I’ve been doing what I can to keep things ticking along. I think I’ve mostly mended now; a particularly fiery portion of noodles yesterday and a Chinese takeaway this evening have helped a great deal. Back on the straight and narrow with the diet tomorrow!

All right, enough about me, let’s check out what you might have missed this week.

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Around the Network

Hello again everyone! It’s the end of another week, and here in the UK the weather has finally switched gears from “blazing hot sunshine” to “torrential downpours”, with no intermediate steps. To be honest, I prefer the latter.

So what’s been going on this week? Lots of things! Before I talk about anything else, I’d just like to mention that I’ve started using Instagram a lot more, primarily to post short clips from my YouTube vids but also to point people in the direction of some of the articles here. I’m also putting most of these posts on Twitter, but Instagram has a different audience so if you’re on there and not on Twitter — or, hell, even if you are — please do give me a follow at @moegamerpete. Thank you!

With that shameless self-promotion over, let us continue with the remainder of the shameless self-promotion and check out what you might have missed this week.

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Around the Network

Late again! Apologies. But I was up until 11.30pm last night editing the newest episode of The MoeGamer Podcast (coming later today!) so hopefully you’ll forgive me.

It was an interesting week last week, for sure! A lot of people were very keen on my article about respecting one another’s tastes, and this was really gratifying and encouraging to see. I know I’m not the only one who’s absolutely sick of low-effort reviews wasting everyone’s time; small-scale, niche-interest titles deserve respect as much as big-budget triple-A stuff — more so in many cases, in my experience — so it’s always depressing to see when a big, usually respectable publication shits out something as distasteful as what we saw this week.

But oh well. We can but try to make the world a better place by being the change we want to see in it. That’s certainly what I strive to do, so please, pull up a chair and check out what you might have missed in the last week!

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Let’s Respect Each Other’s Tastes (Or: “This Game Isn’t For You, and That’s Okay”)

Whenever any creative person sits down to compose something, they inevitably do so with a particular audience in mind.

Sometimes that audience is as simple as the creator themselves; they want to write something that simply expresses themselves, and if it happens to resonate with anyone else, that’s a happy bonus. Sometimes a creator makes an attempt to appeal to as broad an audience as possible — though it’s very difficult to please everyone. And sometimes that audience is a specific group of people.

Whatever a creator decides to create, we should respect their intentions. And, by extension, we should respect the audience it ends up attracting — even if we find ourselves outside that group.

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