Category Archives: Announcements

Around the Network

Good evening everyone! I’ve left this until late in the day once again so I’m pretty tired. Apologies if this is less coherent than usual… but eh. Roll with it.

It’s been a fun week! I finished Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revisand got cracking on my ongoing Evercade coverage, so please enjoy more of that in the coming weeks! Plenty more cool stuff coming up soon, too; I’ve had to dust off the ol’ NTSC PS2 (and my scary buzzing voltage transformer, which I’m replacing as soon as possible!) to get ready for Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy, which only came out in North America, so I’m looking forward to diving into that very soon.

For now, though, let’s check out what you might have missed in the last week.

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Around the Network

Good evening everyone! I’ve spent the day editing a monster podcast that should be with you tomorrow, so I’m only just getting to this. Better late than never and all that.

Got some great new stuff coming up for you all in the coming weeks thanks to the arrival of both my PC Engine CoreGrafx Mini and my Evercade, both of which are absolutely packed with games that I’m super-keen to talk about. Depending on how feisty I’m feeling, there may be more than one “main” article a day for a while until I’ve covered everything to my satisfaction… but we’ll see how that goes!

Anyway. That’s all talk of the future, and we’re here to look back on the week that was. Hit the jump to find out what you might have missed.

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Around the Network

Happy weekend everyone! I’ve just finished recording a bunch of videos that were really fun to put together, so please enjoy them when they release over the course of the next couple of weeks.

I’ve also got some great stuff coming up on MoeGamer in the next few weeks too, so I’m really looking forward to getting started on covering those things — more on those when I get to them, though, so consider this a bit of a tease!

For now, though, it’s time for our weekly roundup of what you might have missed here on MoeGamer, on the Atari A to Z series, and around the network of other awesome writers, video makers and other creators of cool things!

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Around the Network

Good afternoon everyone! How are you all doing? I’m sweltering in the predictably toasty British summer we’re currently experiencing — and to be honest, I’m actually quite grateful that we’re all supposed to be staying indoors, because I have no desire to go out in that!

I’ve just had a week off from the day job in order to rest, relax and get caught up on a few things. I haven’t got especially “ahead of schedule” on anything, but it’s been nice to just be able to take a fairly leisurely approach to everything and not have to wake up for pointless conference calls that hold precisely zero value to me.

All being well, next week I should have the Evercade retro gaming handheld in my, err, hands, so expect some in-depth, long-term coverage of that device and its numerous games from thereon. In the meantime, hit the jump to find out what you might have missed this week!

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Around the Network

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all having as pleasant a weekend as can be expected under the current circumstances.

It’s gone warm and summery here, but to be honest this is my least favourite kind of weather because I do not deal well with being too hot. It’s time to get all the windows open and get the fans blowing, I guess.

Anyway, enough of that very British babbling on about the weather; let’s take a look at what you might have missed in the last week.

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Around the Network

Hello everyone! It’s the end of another week, or the beginning of another one, depending on how you look at it, and thus it’s time for the weekly roundup!

I’ve got one more week of the day job before a blissful week off. Hopefully my Evercade retro gaming handheld from Blaze will arrive in time for that, because you can expect a bunch of in-depth coverage on that system and its games once it’s in my hands! The Atelier MegaFeature will, of course, continue, but my intention is to provide detailed writeups on each and every one of the games available for Evercade — because in all cases, they’re relevant to all enthusiasts of gaming, not just those picking up the new system.

Anyway, that’s something to think about when we get to it. For now, we’ve got a week’s worth of happy funtimes to get through. So hit the jump and let’s get started!

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Around the Network

Hello everyone, and I hope you’re all still surviving during these strange times in the world.

As you’ve seen, I’m just continuing to beaver away on stuff here just as I’ve always done, so it’s business as usual here on MoeGamer. I hope I’m at least providing some entertaining and informative reads and watches to take your mind off things right now!

Let’s check out what you might have missed in the last week or so.

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Around the Network

Good morning everybody! Sorry this is a day late, but I was up until 2am finishing Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm; I’d rather foolishly believed I’d do this “afterwards”. Oh well!

Anyway, it’s been a busy week as always! Lots to catch up on if you’ve been busy — although chances are if you’re being good boys and girls and Staying At Home, Protecting the NHS (Or Local Equivalent) and Saving Lives, then you haven’t been that busy lately. Although my wife is finding time to hammer large holes in our house during her working day. She claims she has a “plan”. I’m staying out of the way.

Err, that aside, let’s catch up on what you might have missed in the last week. Hit the jump to find out!

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The Explorer Update

Hi everyone! Quick announcement time. I’ve updated how you get around here on MoeGamer to hopefully make it a bit more straightforward, particularly on mobile.

The top navigation menu has had all its submenus removed; you can now access all the features you used to get to from that cluttered mess via the top-level navigation markers, which will now take you to pages with clear, helpful links. Of particular note is the new Explore page, which leads to everything that isn’t a Cover Game feature or MegaFeature, and the Videos page, which includes easy access to all of the current and past video series I’m doing on YouTube.

I hope you enjoy exploring MoeGamer; there’s a lot here now and I’ve made an effort to keep as much of it “timeless” as possible, so dive in as much as you please, and do feel free to share anything you particularly enjoy with your friends!

It’s Our Birthday!

Yes, it’s April 29 once again, which means that I am a year older — 39 this time around — and so is MoeGamer!

Yep, this happy little nook tucked away in a corner of the Internet is six years old today, and over the course of those six years it’s been a gradual process of learning, growing, changing and adapting until you have what you see before you today. And doubtless the next six years will continue to see gradual change and evolution here without undermining the fundamental mission of the site: to celebrate our fantastic hobby of gaming, and particularly those parts of it that go overlooked or underappreciated.

For those interested in the story of how the site came to be in the first place, I invite you to enjoy this retrospective that I penned on the site’s third birthday. For today, some musings on why I do what I do, and why I feel independent creators like me continue to do important work.

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