Category Archives: Rance

Sengoku Rance: deep yet accessible empire-building

I absolutely love the Rance series — see my coverage of Rance 5D and VI here on MoeGamer, and my articles on 01 and 02 on Rice Digital — but I’d been putting off playing Sengoku Rance, the seventh game in the series, for a while.

The reason for this is that I knew it was a strategy game on a grand scale, and frankly I’ve always found that kind of game rather daunting, to such a degree that I simply haven’t enjoyed previous attempts to explore the genre. I love the idea of Crusader Kings, for example, but absolutely cannot get into playing it.

But a little while back, I decided I was in the mood to play something new and, encouraged by the arrival of my Rance IX physical copy from MangaGamer, I decided it was time to start catching up on the series. Hit the jump and read on to find out more about what many people consider the very best Rance game.

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Rance VI: An Epic for Adults

cropped-rance-header-1-6620974This article is one chapter of a multi-part Cover Game feature!
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Whew. Sorry for the somewhat delayed appearance of this article, but as you will know if you’re a regular reader, I like to beat at the very least the main story of games before I write about them in detail.

Rance VI’s main story is a substantial, ambitious affair — and there’s a whole bunch of post-game stuff to do once you’ve cleared it, too, if you really want to ensure you’ve got the most out of the game. Beating it to my satisfaction before penning this article took a little longer than anticipated!

In fact, Rance VI as a complete package is a substantial, ambitious affair, not just from a narrative perspective. There’s a whole lot to talk about, so the best way to go about this is going to be to tackle it a bit at a time. Make sure you visit the toilet before we set off… this is going to be a long journey!

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Rance 5D: Roulette, Role-Playing and RNG

cropped-rance-header-1-6620974This article is one chapter of a multi-part Cover Game feature!
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2002’s Rance 5D (finally localised into English in 2017) is probably one of the most unusual RPGs you will ever play.

At least part of its rather distinctive nature is due to the fact that it is actually developer Alicesoft’s fourth attempt at a fifth Rance game, hence the “D” on the end of the title — A, B and C were all failed attempts that never saw the light of day.

Thankfully, Rance 5D did, however, and it’s nothing if not a memorable experience, both from a narrative and mechanical perspective — and from the perspective of its rather troubled development history, too.

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Rance: The “Discworld” of Eroge

cropped-rance-header-1-6620974This article is one chapter of a multi-part Cover Game feature!
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One of the most remarkable things about Alicesoft’s Rance series is quite how detailed its lore is.

This might not be something you expect to hear about a series of 18+ games with rather a lot of sexually explicit content, but just a few minutes with a Rance title will make it abundantly clear Alicesoft takes this franchise very seriously indeed. At least, so far as ensuring its lore is internally consistent; as a series with absurdist (and often black) humour at its heart, Rance is anything but “serious”.

This combination of a significant humorous component with deep, well-crafted lore established over a long cycle of individual works particularly brings to mind Terry Pratchett’s influential Discworld series. And if we look a little more deeply into that lore we can see a number of similarities along the way, particularly in terms of how things the audience will recognise from modern life are blended with the conventions of fantastic fiction.

NOTE: A hanny from /vg/ helpfully pointed out that the original version of this article used terminology from the original Japanese versions and fan translations. It’s now been updated with terminology from MangaGamer’s “official” translation to prevent confusion for series newcomers!

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Rance: Introduction and History

cropped-rance-header-1-6620974This article is one chapter of a multi-part Cover Game feature!
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Typically, when we talk about gaming franchises that have been around since the early days of the medium, the same names tend to come up all the time.

There’s Final Fantasy, of course, which first appeared in 1987. Super Mario Bros., which hails from 1985. The Legend of Zelda from 1986. All classic series that are still going strong and have been highly prolific over the years, not just with their mainline installments but with numerous spinoffs, too.

What we’re going to explore this month is a series of games from Japan that has been going as long as these established classics, but which remains relatively unknown in the West so far due to 1) its status as an eroge and 2) the fact it only got its first localised release in December of 2016 thanks to MangaGamer.

I am, of course, talking about Rance. Tooooohhhh!

Continue reading Rance: Introduction and History