Category Archives: Tokyo Xanadu

Tokyo Xanadu eX+: a potent reminder of Falcom’s masterful worldbuilding

Falcom are extraordinarily good at what they do. While the relatively limited budget of their projects mean that they’ll never be considered as part of the “triple-A” sphere, there’s a strong argument to be made that they are the absolute masters of their craft in one specific area: worldbuilding.

The most common example cited to back this claim up is their sprawling Trails series, which unfolds across a huge number of games, all of which are connected in one way or another. But those who, quite understandably, find the prospect of jumping into such a massive series daunting can take heart; Falcom’s “one-shot” games are just as well-crafted as their lengthy series.

And that’s where Tokyo Xanadu eX+ comes in. So today we’re going to take a closer look at exactly how this game exemplifies Falcom’s incredible approach to worldbuilding.

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What would “the school RPG” look like from a culture outside of Asia?

Playing through Tokyo Xanadu eX+ as I am, I find a thought occurring to me which I’ve pondered privately in the past, but never actually written anything about. So I thought I’d indulge those musings now.

The thought is, as it says in the headline, what would a “modern day urban RPG” with a primarily school-based setting look like if it was set in, say, the UK, where I’m from? I suspect it would be very different, and I’m surprised that no-one appears to have tried it up until this point.

Sure, there are western visual novels set in a school setting, but those are often heavily exaggerated or laden with insincerity and irony; there’s nothing delivered with a sense of genuine earnestness like Tokyo Xanadu eX+, the Persona series or Blue Reflection. And I think that’s a pity. So I’d like to talk about that a bit today.

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Tokyo Xanadu eX+: Falcom’s forgotten gem

Falcom make some absolutely fantastic games, but speak to a self-professed “Falcom fan” and they’ll almost certainly only want to talk about the Trails series — or, more likely, “Kiseki”, because as we all know, referring to something with its original Japanese title rather than a widely accepted localised version makes you a Better Fan Of The Thing.

That’s a real pity, because while Trails is an amazing series — and one I’m fully intending to binge at some point, right from Trails in the Sky through to Trails Through Daybreak and beyond — Falcom is far from a one-trick pony. There’s the Ys series, for starters, which we’ve already talked about at length on this here site, and then there’s “everything else”.

Tokyo Xanadu eX+, of course, falls into this latter category. It’s technically part of the Xanadu series, but Falcom’s intentions for this game mean that it might as well be considered as its own self-contained thing, and as such can be enjoyed completely on its own merits. So let’s take a closer look!

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