Tag Archives: support

Editorial: Supporting the Little Guys

Good morning folks! There’s a MoeGamer 2019 Awards post coming later today, along with Warriors Wednesday, but a few things have been on my mind of late, so I wanted to think them through “out loud” and share those thoughts with you.

What I’m going to talk about today was primarily sparked by the recent plagiarism accusations levelled towards Niche Gamer by Sal Romano of Gematsu, but it also ties in with other surrounding matters such as the horrendous attitude towards a wide variety of marginalised groups displayed by One Angry Gamer and the hostile and abusive point of view expressed by the mainstream press towards fans of particular types of entertainment.

Let’s talk!

Continue reading Editorial: Supporting the Little Guys

#ThankYouPatrons – A Message of Gratitude

I posted this quite late last night, so although it’s technically a day late I’d like to share something important.

Yesterday was #ThankYouPatrons day on Patreon, and creators from all over the world have been sharing messages of gratitude for the people who support them — whether it’s generous contributors on Patreon or similar services, or those who help out in other ways, such as leaving likes and comments, following on blog pages and social media, subscribing on YouTube and all that good stuff.

I love doing this, and every day I am filled with gratitude that other people enjoy and appreciate what I do, too. So hopefully that comes across in this message to you all.

If you’d like to support my work, please do stop by Patreon to find out more, and get access to exclusive daily blog posts, weekly vlogs and monthly wallpapers. You can find my Patreon page at https://patreon.com/petedavison.

MoeGamer 2.5, and Plans for the Future

MoeGamer turned three years old back at the end of April, and this April also marked a year since the launch of “MoeGamer 2.0”, the current format of the site featuring monthly Cover Games.

You may have noticed a few behind-the-scenes tweaks and pokes over the course of the last week or so, in which case you’re probably wondering what’s going on. (Or perhaps you didn’t notice at all as yet, in which case consider this an official “announcement” of sorts.)

Today I’d like to talk a bit about these new changes, what I’d like to achieve in both the short- and long-term with the site, and unashamedly ask you to continue supporting the site!

Continue reading MoeGamer 2.5, and Plans for the Future