Tag Archives: New Year

Happy New Year! (2021 Edition)

Happy new year to you all! What a year it was, too, eh? Hopefully you all had some sort of opportunity to let your hair down a bit last night — while staying safe (in every sense of the word) of course.

I stayed in and played original Xbox games while my wife played Jackbox Party Pack with some friends she hasn’t had the opportunity to speak to, let alone see, for a very long time now. We also had a Chinese takeaway, much like last year. I am 100% fine with these arrangements.

I’m not going to spend too long talking about stuff today, but I do want to outline a few things I have planned for the year coming up. Hit the jump to find out more!

Continue reading Happy New Year! (2021 Edition)

Happy New Year! (2020 Edition)

A very merry new year to all of you! I hope you had at least vaguely tolerable celebrations last night and that you aren’t suffering too much today.

I had a nice quiet one; I’ve never been one for big parties or anything, so the prospect of being out and about on a night where people are particularly inclined to get drunk and obnoxious was not in the slightest bit appealing. So I sat at home with my cats playing games, recording a few videos and enjoying a Chinese takeaway. Perfect.

Anyway, what with it being the first day of the new year, now seems like a prime time to talk about my intentions for the year coming up, so let’s do just that after the jump!

Continue reading Happy New Year! (2020 Edition)