Tag Archives: neptunia game maker r:evolution

Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution – satire through design?

I’m so very, very torn on Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution, the latest entry in the long-running Neptunia series from Compile Heart.

On the one hand, I feel duty-bound to give the game a fair shake, because it’s a series that, on the whole, gets fairly short shrift to an unfair degree from the mainstream games press. And it’s clearly built up enough of a fanbase over the years — a fanbase that I count myself among — to suggest that those negative reviews are missing something.

On the other, there’s something just not quite right about this latest one. And I hope by splurging some thoughts onto paper about my feelings over the first 18 hours or so of play (evidently not too bad, because I’ve played for 18 hours) will help me nail down what I really think of it. So let’s get a-pondering after the jump!

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