The Fastest Thing on No Legs

Emi is the first path most players end up on when playing Katawa Shoujo for the first time, so it’s fitting that we begin an in-depth exploration of the game with a look at her story.

Katawa Shoujo, lest you’re unfamiliar, is a Western-developed visual novel that was inspired by a Japanese doujinshi artist’s sketches of girls with a variety of disabilities. It attracted controversy due to its subject matter — plus the fact that its title translates from Japanese as “cripple girls”, which was understandably considered somewhat offensive —  but those who took the time to play it discovered a game that was surprisingly sensitive with its subject matter, and which told some very moving stories.

The nature of the cast (and, for that matter, the protagonist’s personal journey) in Katawa Shoujo pushes the player into initially identifying characters by their disabilities, meaning that at the outset Emi’s distinguishing characteristic is that she doesn’t have any legs. Progress through the narrative, however, and certainly in Emi’s case, her disability becomes arguably the least important aspect of her whole.

Continue reading The Fastest Thing on No Legs

Welcome to MoeGamer!

Hello, welcome and thanks for stopping by. This is MoeGamer, a little corner of the Internet carved out as a safe haven for those who enjoy and are passionate about Japanese interactive entertainment.

Those of you who have followed me here from other sites will already know I’m a strong believer in the hidden depths of games that are often misunderstood, maligned or outright neglected by the mainstream press. It’s a balance I attempted to redress with my regular JPgamer column at USgamer, but since, at the time of writing, I am currently counting down the days until my stint on that site comes to a close, I wanted to ensure I had a dedicated place to write about this aspect of gaming I derive such enjoyment from, even if wherever I end up next doesn’t provide me with such an opportunity.

It’s more than that, though; I wanted to ensure I could continue to provide interesting content for those people who expressed their support for me and my work after I announced my impending departure from USgamer. Somewhere along the line, I had picked up the reputation as someone who treated Japanese games with respect, and who understood the “otaku gamer” mindset rather than dismissing it out of hand. Otaku gamers may be but a small niche in the games business as a whole, but it’s a niche ill catered to by the mainstream press in 2014.

And so we come to MoeGamer. As a completely independent site, MoeGamer is not beholden to any specific editorial or commercial agenda. I’m not chasing hits, nor am I trying to produce content that goes viral, nor any other such considerations of the modern, socially connected era. I’m simply trying to provide compelling, interesting content about Japanese games — new and old — that those who share a similar interest in this side of video games might enjoy. And if someone who doesn’t know much about Japanese games stumbles across this site and finds out something they didn’t know before? So much the better.

So what can you expect to find on this site? Well, don’t expect the typical games site mix of news, reviews, previews and features. Instead, you can expect to see more in-depth readings of games, explorations and celebrations of trends in the medium, and my personal take on various aspects of Japanese gaming. The content already on the site at the time of writing will hopefully give you an idea of what to expect; more to come going forward.

One thing to note, though: at the time of writing, this is very much a “side project” for me as I attempt to secure a new full-time position for my post-USgamer time. You’ll also notice it’s currently hosted on a WordPress site rather than its own domain. (Edit: No longer! Welcome to, with thanks to my partner Andie for the birthday present domain name!) This is because I want to gauge interest in and response to the project before committing more time and resources to it. As such, at present I’m not going to make any brash promises about regularity of content or a posting schedule, though I will do my best to keep a reasonably steady flow of new stuff coming each week.

So here’s where you come in. If you like what you see, please leave comments, click the Like button and share your favourite posts. Every bit of engagement I get on the work I do helps show me that there is an audience for this type of content, and that they want to see more of it. Should that audience prove sizeable enough, I’ll look into making MoeGamer more ambitious in scope. I have a few things in mind, but we’ll save discussion of that for another day.

For now, I hope you enjoy what MoeGamer has to offer. Thanks for your support.

– Pete Davison

The best of overlooked and underappreciated computer and video games, from yesterday and today.