
Doom 2016

2016 reboot of id Software’s classic first-person shooter series, featuring next-gen graphics, speedy, smooth gunplay and gory Glory Kills.

Developer: id Software
Publisher: Bethesda
Available on: Windows PC, PS4, Switch

Articles about Doom 2016

doom-2 Old-School Doom Fan Tries Doom 2016 - I finally got around to trying Doom 2016. I’m a huge fan of OG Doom, so I’ve always been curious to give it a go, but for one reason or another I’ve only just got around to trying it. And… I… didn’t love it. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate it or anything, either, … Continue reading Old-School Doom Fan Tries Doom 2016
Doom on Switch Doesn’t Suck Any More - Hey, so remember back in July of 2019 when Bethesda suddenly and unexpectedly released Doom, Doom II: Hell on Earth and Doom III on PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch? Remember how it took barely a few minutes for this exciting announcement to be considerably dampened by the terrible discovery that these new ports had … Continue reading Doom on Switch Doesn’t Suck Any More
Doom: Now Available On the Go. Kind Of. - [UPDATE 27/07/2019 — Bethesda has said in a tweet that the online login requirement mentioned in this article was originally intended to be an optional feature for their “Slayer’s Club” members to obtain rewards for playing the classic Doom games. They are presently working on a fix to remove the mandatory online login. The original … Continue reading Doom: Now Available On the Go. Kind Of.

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