
Disco Elysium

A text-heavy, dialogue-centric RPG with no combat and a heavily tabletop-inspired approach to skill checks and narration. Inspired by the Infinity Engine classics of yesteryear, particularly Planescape: Torment, but offering a compelling murder mystery to solve.

Developer: ZA/UM
Publisher: ZA/UM
Available on: Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One

Articles about Disco Elysium

discoelysium Disco Elysium: modern-day interactive fiction - Back in the 1980s, when video games were just starting to find their feet, there was a marked divide between people who enjoyed arcade-style games and those who liked what were, at the time, described as capital-A Adventures. “Adventures”, as they were defined at the time, actually encompassed what we know today as text adventures, … Continue reading Disco Elysium: modern-day interactive fiction

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