Tag Archives: Riche Eden

Around the Network

Hello everyone! It’s the weekend again, so hurrah for that.

Chris and I have spent the afternoon recording a new episode of the MoeGamer Podcast, so watch out for that on Monday, all being well. This episode’s subject is classic Konami — we had great fun recording this one, so we hope you enjoy listening!

As always, there’s been a bunch of happening on the site and around my other projects this week, so hit the jump and catch up on anything you might have missed.

Continue reading Around the Network

Waifu Wednesday: Riche Eden

In honour of the end of our Evenicle slightly-longer-than-a-month — and of today’s surprise announcement that Evenicle is now available on Steam — I thought it was high time we highlighted another of the game’s wonderful wives.

Riche is one of the first characters you meet in the game, and she sticks by your side pretty much for the entire duration, giving you plenty of time to get to know her: who she is, why she is the way she is, why she’s doing what she’s doing and… uh… what she’s “into”, if you catch my meaning.

Let’s take a closer look at one of the most memorable princesses I’ve had the pleasure of fighting alongside for quite some time…

Continue reading Waifu Wednesday: Riche Eden