Tag Archives: racing game

Racer Essentials: Split/Second

With my Sunday Driving playthrough of Black Rock Studio’s excellent Split/Second now at an end, it’s time to take a final, summative look back at one of my favourite racers of all time.

Split/Second, like its contemporary and rival Blur, was a victim of a combination of factors: poor marketing, arrogant publishers and an overall gaming landscape that was somewhat in flux. As such, while those who took a chance on it back in the day tend to look back on it rather fondly now, it doesn’t get nearly the recognition it deserves.

Let’s change all that, shall we?

Continue reading Racer Essentials: Split/Second

Atari A to Z: Fire Chief

Here’s one I vividly remember from back in the day… but for which there’s a surprising lack of information about online!

Fire Chief was developed by Tim Huntington and released through English Software, who we’ve already seen a couple of times on Atari A to Z. Beyond the fact it was included on one of English Software’s Atari Smash Hits compilations (number 4, to be precise), there’s not a lot more that can be said from a historical perspective — even its original box art (and/or if it was ever released as a standalone title!) remains seemingly lost to time.

Oh well. We’d better just take a good hard look at how it plays then, huh? Hold on to your hats, this one goes like the clappers!

Find a full archive of all the Atari A to Z videos on the official site.

Atari A to Z Flashback: Fire Truck

If, in 1978, you ever entertained any childish fantasies of being a fireman, then Atari had the video game for you!

Fire Truck was an unusual spin on the top-down driving game in which you took control of a distinctly retro (even at the time) fire engine on its way to deal with some sort of flame-related emergency. The fire truck has limited fuel and thus is unable to ever get to its destination, but at least you can score some points along the way! Because as we all know, real firemen are rated according to how close to the emergency they got.

Obviously this is mostly made up; the “fire truck” concept is actually an excuse to provide some interesting and unusual two-player cooperative driving gameplay, in which one player steers the cab of the truck and the other the trailer. You can play it single-player too, but for maximum amusement, bring a friend.

Find a full archive of all the Atari A to Z videos on the official site.

Atari A to Z: Elektra Glide

Pretty much everyone who plays games can probably name at least one title that they respect, but absolutely can’t abide the thought of playing ever again.

For me, one of those games is Elektra Glide, an incredibly popular title developed by Adam Billyard and published by English Software. It’s a technical tour-de-force for the Atari 8-bit, for sure, featuring spectacularly speedy 3D-style graphics, parallax scrolling, wonderful use of colour and an incredibly memorable soundtrack.

I also despise playing it with almost every fibre of my being; I’d thought returning to it some thirty-two years after its original release might have caused my opinions to mellow on it somewhat, but nope! Still, it sure is pretty…

Find a full archive of all the Atari A to Z videos on the official site.

Sunday Driving: Cleaning Up – Split/Second #8

What could possibly make a Split/Second race more exhilarating? Why, the prospect of getting covered in poo in the process, of course!

That appears to be the unique selling point the announcer gives us for today’s races, some of which unfold in the city’s storm drains. Lovely!

Hit the jump to see how these potentially filthy events unfolded…

Continue reading Sunday Driving: Cleaning Up – Split/Second #8

Sunday Driving: Midway Pass – Split/Second #6

Look at me, I’m on camera!

Yes, after some reluctance and a surprising amount of urging from my wife (who either really wants me to suffer or genuinely thinks this is a good idea) I finally decided to show my Actual Face on one of these videos. I thought Sunday Driving was as good a place as any to experiment a bit with this format.

And yes, I know I cut the top of my head off in my GameFace shot. This is why we do experimental takes like this!

Continue reading Sunday Driving: Midway Pass – Split/Second #6

Sunday Driving: Hit the Skids – Split/Second #5

You thought we got off lightly last time around with “just” some races and time trials? This week’s episode more than makes up for that.

That damn helicopter is back, and ready to cause considerable grief. And those trucks are back, too, ready to hurl flaming death out of their rear end, much like my friend James did after he decided to find out what kind of curry a “Naga” was.

Hit the jump to see how things went.

Continue reading Sunday Driving: Hit the Skids – Split/Second #5

Sunday Driving: Sunset Fire – Split/Second #4

Split/Second’s explosive run on BRTV (or, rather, its repeat on MoeGamerTV, the Dave of YouTube) continues with some challenging races that keep our contestants on their toes.

Still, at least no-one is shooting missiles at me or attempting to drop explosive barrels directly through my windscreen today, so there’s that, I guess.

Hit the jump to see the chaos unfold as it happened!

Continue reading Sunday Driving: Sunset Fire – Split/Second #4

Sunday Driving: Big Rig Boom – Split/Second #3

Today on Split/Second, we introduce the second new type of event: Survival!

This event sees our brave drivers attempting to survive as long as possible against the odds, as the Split/Second trucks throw deadly explosives their way!

Hit the jump to see how yours truly coped with this fearsome challenge…

Continue reading Sunday Driving: Big Rig Boom – Split/Second #3

Sunday Driving: Splashdown – Split/Second #2

Having cleared the pre-season training and the first episode of exciting new TV show Split/Second, it’s now onto the next installment.

This episode, Splashdown, introduces the Air Strike event type. This involves helicopters firing missiles at you while you’re just minding your own business trying to drive in circles around an abandoned city.

It’s as intense and ridiculous as it sounds. Hit the jump to see how things went…

Continue reading Sunday Driving: Splashdown – Split/Second #2