Tag Archives: Omega Force

Warriors Wednesday: Watch Me Whip, Watch Me Nene – Warriors Orochi #55

By popular request, I present Nene! All right, one person asked if I could unlock Nene and play as her for a bit, but on a channel as small as mine that counts as “by popular request”.

Turns out the suggestion was a good one, mind, as Nene is a ton of fun to play, and manages to make herself useful to Cao Pi’s cause even though she’s considerably lower level than everyone else. But I shouldn’t be surprised really; ninja girls are the best girls, after all.

Having successfully captured Da Ji in a previous sortie, Cao Pi declares Wei’s independence from Orochi and continues growing his army in preparation for the final assault. Today he sets his sights on Nagamasa Azai, who is hanging out in the Chen Cang area… so this seems like as good an opportunity as any to throw Nene in at the deep end and see what she’s made of!

Warriors Wednesday: Do Not NTR Lu Bu – Warriors Orochi #54

Of all the things you should not do to Lu Bu — and there are many — I’d say that cuckolding him is pretty high up the list, perhaps just underneath pursuing him.

Still, Diao Chan doesn’t seem to be particularly enamoured with his attitude fighting in Orochi’s forces, and so she decides to defect to the Coalition. Naturally, Cao Pi is more than happy to welcome a new ally to the fold.

Of course, as you might expect, a betrayal of one of the most legendarily powerful warriors in existence is not something one can expect to go all that smoothly…

Warriors Wednesday: Naughty Boys – Warriors Orochi #53

The time has finally come for Cao Pi to launch his rebellion against Da Ji and Orochi’s forces!

In today’s mission, we take Xiahou Dun out for a bit of a spin. This is a character that I know quite a few people who like a lot (at least partially for the “badass with eyepatch” thing he’s got going on), but I don’t have a ton of experience with him. Turns out he’s pretty fun!

Not many more missions to go now, and then we can finally leave Warriors Orochi behind… unless I decide to try and unlock all the characters, get all the personal items, get the best possible weapons and complete everything on Chaos difficulty, that is… mwehehehehe!

Warriors Wednesday: Mystical Ninja – Warriors Orochi #50

Cao Pi and friends have a tough battle ahead of them today: they’re up against Nene and her ninjutsu!

It seems our “hero” is still biding his time before unleashing his inevitable betrayal of Da Ji and Orochi, however, but we get closer and closer with every mission. It’s not a case of if, it’s a case of when.

Oh, and if you ever were wondering what I thought of Japanese denpa group PASSPO, you can find out, exclusively in this, the forty-ninth episode of Warriors Wednesday. Don’t say I never give you anything.

Warriors Wednesday: Chasing the Sun – Warriors Orochi #49

Cao Pi is definitely up to something… and he’s starting to get bolder.

In today’s mission, the Wei leader and his friends are tasked with putting down a rebellion by Sun Ce — the same rebellion, you may recall, that we helped instigate back in the Wu campaign.

We’re getting closer to the time that Cao Pi inevitably betrays Da Ji and Orochi… but for the moment he’s just biding his time.

Warriors Wednesday: Heavy Weapon – Warriors Orochi #48

In today’s episode, Cao Pi, Xu Zhu and Xu Huang hit the jungle in an attempt to convince their ally Zhang He that Orochi is a cause worth fighting for.

Of course, with Cao Pi being Cao Pi, he’s up to something. Exactly what isn’t quite clear just yet, but at some point in the very near future, he’s clearly going to strike.

In the meantime, it’s a case of biding his time and at least attempting to look like he’s doing the great serpent’s bidding…

Warriors Wednesday: Overly Ambitious – Warriors Orochi #47

There I was, thinking that things were going a bit too well and things felt a bit “easy” as I started the Wei campaign on Normal difficulty. “Why not try Hard?” I thought.

This, it turns out, was a bit of a mistake. It appears that at the start of this campaign I’m in a bit of a limbo, where having acquired over a hundred levels’ worth of passive abilities in the previous storylines, my characters are now a bit too tough to have any real challenges placed before them on Normal, but not quite tough enough to stand up to the challenges Hard presents them with.

Oh well. At least now we know, eh?

Warriors Wednesday: Do You Know The Wei? – Warriors Orochi #46

No, I’m not even a little bit sorry for that title. Because it’s finally time for the final campaign of Warriors Orochi!

Yes, after successfully clearing the Samurai, Wu and Shu campaigns, it’s finally time to tackle the Wei’s challenges — beginning with Cao Pi apparently in the service of the snake god himself. But, as anyone who has ever played a Warriors game will attest, anyone with “Cao” in their name is usually up to something… I wonder what?

Time to hack and slash our way to the truth!

Waifu Wednesday: Da Ji

While the majority of the Warriors Orochi cast is drawn from the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors series — at least in its first installment — there are a few new characters in the mix, too.

Besides Orochi himself, who we actually don’t see all that much until each faction’s respective final (and secret) missions, probably the most prominent and persistent of these new characters is Da Ji.

But who is this mysterious and devilish woman with a penchant for deception? Where did she come from? And what’s with the weird feet?

Continue reading Waifu Wednesday: Da Ji

Warriors Wednesday: Pursuing Lu Bu – Warriors Orochi #45

You thought we were done with the Shu campaign, but it was I, Lu Bu– hold on, I’m getting confused somewhere, I think.

Anyway, yes, as with all the other campaigns, the Shu missions play host to a “Chapter 8-X” which allows you to square up against Orochi once again… and perhaps give a certain little overconfident jackass with a silly hat the kicking he so deserves.

Let us take to the field once again, warriors, and this time, we shall be the ones to pursue Lu Bu!