Tag Archives: Eschatos

Sunday Shooting: Cardinal Sins

Well, we’ve done Eschatos and we’ve done Judgement Silversword… we might as well complete the set, right? What’s that you say? “NO!”? That’s the spirit.

Cardinal Sins, also known as Judgement Silversword Recycle Edition, is a remix of Judgement Silversword into a different style of shoot ’em up. Rather than simply working your way through stages and trying to survive as long as possible, here you’re challenged with a variety of different objectives, each loosely themed around the Seven Deadly Sins.

Hit the jump to see what it’s all about.

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Sunday Shooting: Judgement Silversword

If you enjoyed Eschatos, which we looked at last weekend, you’ll enjoy its spiritual precursor, Judgement Silversword.

Originally developed as a “homebrew” title for the WonderSwan Color WonderWitch device, Judgement Silversword won a short-lived software competition and subsequently saw a very, very limited commercial release.

Fortunately, despite it being one of the rarest and most expensive WonderSwan Color games out there, it’s pretty easy to get hold of in other forms today…

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Sunday Shooting: Eschatos

After beating Split/Second, I thought it might be nice to take a little break from arcade racers and explore another of my passions: shoot ’em ups.

And so we have Sunday Shooting, a new series in which I’ll do an incompetent playthrough of a different shoot ’em up each week, perhaps revisiting some later if my skills improve down the line.

We’re kicking off with a longstanding favourite of mine, and one which you can get on both Xbox 360 and PC. It’s Eschatos!

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The One-Liner Challenge

Time for a Community tag post! This one looked like a particularly fun one, and after the lovely Irina from I Drink and Watch Anime specifically requested me to do one about games, who was I to refuse?

The original tag came from The Awkward Book Blogger and was based around, as you might expect, books — but it has since expanded to encompass anime and now, thanks to my contribution, games as well.

So let’s jump right in. After the jump. Jumpy jumpy jump.

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Shmup Essentials: Eschatos

Sometimes a game doesn’t need to do anything especially new to be a great experience. Sometimes it just has to do what it does really, really well.

Qute’s Eschatos, originally released only in Japan for Xbox 360, then subsequently ported to PC by Degica, very much falls into this category. On paper, it’s an incredibly conventional vertically scrolling shoot ’em up.

When you play it, however, you’ll realise that it’s something really rather special: a shoot ’em up that is both accessible to newcomers and challenging to veterans, and a game that manages to impart a strong sense of “narrative” and progression to its overall experience despite not really having a plot to speak of.

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