The Explorer Update

Hi everyone! Quick announcement time. I’ve updated how you get around here on MoeGamer to hopefully make it a bit more straightforward, particularly on mobile.

The top navigation menu has had all its submenus removed; you can now access all the features you used to get to from that cluttered mess via the top-level navigation markers, which will now take you to pages with clear, helpful links. Of particular note is the new Explore page, which leads to everything that isn’t a Cover Game feature or MegaFeature, and the Videos page, which includes easy access to all of the current and past video series I’m doing on YouTube.

I hope you enjoy exploring MoeGamer; there’s a lot here now and I’ve made an effort to keep as much of it “timeless” as possible, so dive in as much as you please, and do feel free to share anything you particularly enjoy with your friends!

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